
  • capacity
  • capacity_building
  • national_capacity
  • farm_trials
  • breeding-for-drought-tolerance-to-maximize-yield-gains
  • haploid_tech
  • gender_inclusion
  • research_maize
  • imgpsh_fullsize

STMA will develop and deploy a series of enabling tools and methods to increase the rate of genetic gain for multiple traits of importance in SSA. The team will prioritize traits that are valued by men and women farmers and consumers. Modern tools to be applied in the project include doubled-haploid technology, improved phenotyping methods for data collection, and genomic selection, among others. These techniques, which were borrowed from previous maize projects and then improved, will be used to develop products that combine drought tolerance (DT) and improved nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE) with high levels of resistance to key diseases in each region: Eastern Africa: MLN, Maize Streak Virus (MSV), Turcicum Leaf Blight, and Gray Leaf Spot; West Africa: southern corn leaf blight, leaf rust, MLN, MSV, and Striga.

Primary outcomes of STMA:

  • The project will effectively develop, adapt and utilize innovative breeding tools and techniques to increase the rate of genetic gain for important multiple traits.
  • Increase commercialization of improved multiple stress tolerant maize varieties with gender-preferred traits by the sub-Saharan seed sector.
  • STMA will strive to increase seed availability and farmer uptake of stress tolerant maize varieties in the target countries.
  • Optimization of investment impact through effective project oversight, monitoring and evaluation, and communication.


News Updates

Research News

  • Latest STMA Bulletin is out

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    Read the latest news from the just concluded Stress Tolerant Maize for Africa (STMA) initiative. This issue highlights the impact the project has had on farmers in sub-Saharan Africa, how it has helped build resilience of Africa’s smallholder farmers and how the improved maize varieties will enable partners to reach farmers on time to plant and produce maize during the COVID-19 crisis in different countries in SSA. You will also get to read about farmers getting an opportunity ...

  • List of STMA supported publications for sub-Saharan Africa for 2019

    Comments: 0

    Amondo, E., Simtowe, F., Rahut, D.B., Erenstein, O., 2019. Productivity and production risk effects of adopting drought-tolerant maize varieties in Zambia. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 11, 570-591. Awata, L. A. O., Ifie, B. E., Tongoona, P., Danquah, E., Jumbo, M. B., Gowda, M., Marchelo-D’ragga, P. W., Sitonik, C., & Suresh, L. M. (2019). Maize lethal necrosis and the molecular basis of variability in concentrations of the causal viruses in co-infected maize plant. Journal of General and ...

  • Economic impacts of smallholder farmers’ adoption of drought-tolerant maize varieties

    Comments: 2

    Highlights: • Drought-tolerant maize variety is an adaptive response to climate variability. • Adoption of drought-tolerant maize varieties increases crop yield. • Adoption of drought-tolerant maize varieties increases market participation. • Adoption of drought-tolerant maize varieties increases farm income. Abstract: Drought and high temperatures are major threats to sustainable food production and consequently the livelihoods of the majority of Africans who depend on fragile agricultural systems. As a response to these threats, climate-smart agricultural technologies, such as drought-tolerant maize (DTM) varieties, have been ...

  • Seeing is believing: demo farms accelerate adoption of stress tolerant maize

    Comments: 0

    Joshua Masinde Over 400 farmers from Manyatta in Embu County were on February 7, 2020, invited to a demonstration farm to witness the performance of various high yielding, early to medium maturing, drought tolerant maize varieties. Such occasions aim to encourage them to adopt varieties whose traits they preferred the most. Some of the farmers who showed up for the field day in Embu County on February 7, 2020. Image-Joshua Masinde/CIMMYT. They were invited by the Seed Trade Association of Kenya (STAK), with ...

  • The list of STMA-supported research publications from West Africa for the year 2019 is out

    Comments: 267

    Melaku Gedil and Abebe Menkir. 2019. An Integrated Molecular and Conventional Breeding Scheme for Enhancing Genetic Gain in Maize in Africa. Published in Frontiers. Plant Sciences and accessible here Adu, G. B., Badu-Apraku, B., Akromah, R., Garcia-Oliveira, A. L., Gedil, M., Awuku, F. J. 2019. Genetic diversity and population structure of early-maturing tropical maize inbred lines using SNP markers, published in PloS ONE, volume 14, number 4 and accessible here Badu-Apraku, B., Talabi, A. O., Fakorede, M., Fasanmade, Y., Gedil, M., Magorokosho, C., Asiedu, R. 2019. Yield ...

  • Scoring new drought tolerant CIMMYT lines in Kiboko 5 Sept 2019

    Comments: 0

    CIMMYT breeders selecting new CIMMYT line candidates in stage 4, scoring hybrid entries according to their drought tolerance in Kiboko research station - 5 September 2019 CIMMYT breeders scoring DT maize in Kiboko 5 September 2019 CIMMYT breeder scoring DT maize in Kiboko Suresh and Aparna ranking DT maize entries in Kiboko 5 Sept 2019 Cob not well covered by husk is prone to attacks Kiboko Sept 2019 Stay green entry 52 DT maize in Kiboko 5 Sept 2019 Entry 42 maize cob in Kiboko Entry 42 ...

  • Digital imaging tools make maize breeding much more efficient

    Comments: 11

    Recent innovations in digital imagery and sensors, packaged in what plant scientists call high-throughput phenotyping platforms, save money and time by replacing lengthy paper-based visual observations of crop trials with real-time big data collection and management.

  • Setimela P, Zaman-Allah MA, Gasura E, Cairns JE, Thierfelder T, Prasanna BM. 2018. When the going gets tough: performance of stress tolerant maize under conservation agriculture during the 2015/16 El Nino season in southern Africa.

    Comments: 0

    Abstract: The 2015/2016El Niño was the most severe on record in southern Africa and was associated with drought and heat stress. To help farmers to cope with such extreme production constraints the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT), has been developing multiple stress tolerant maize varieties through a rapid-cycle breeding strategy. These CIMMYT stress tolerant maize hybrids were evaluated using two types of trials. The first one comprised a regional on-farm trial with forty maize varieties (20 early-intermediate and ...

  • New crop varieties that counter climate change: a best bet for farmers

    Comments: 3

    Stress tolerant maize varieties have been named as one of the 10 best innovations for adaptation in agriculture to help smallholders improve food security and livelihoods while adapting to the impacts of climate change. Read More.

  • Drought tolerant maize provides extra 9 months of food for farming families

    Comments: 1

    A new study from scientists with the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) shows that drought tolerant (DT) maize varieties can provide farming families in Zimbabwe an extra 9 months of food at no additional cost. Read More.

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