NASECO Uganda – STMA case study
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- Create Date November 22, 2018
- Last Updated November 22, 2018
NASECO Uganda - STMA case study
What was accomplished or how it works
The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) has been supporting Uganda-based Nalweyo Seed Company (NASECO), in collaboration with Uganda’s National Agriculture Research Organization (NARO), to develop and produce high-yielding, stress tolerant maize seed varieties, which have increased farmers’ harvests and improved their livelihoods. Stress Tolerant Maize for Africa (STMA) and other CIMMYT projects have supported NASECO to gain germplasm access, promote and market better maize hybrids in Uganda and neighboring countries. NASECO is now producing two of Uganda’s top-selling, drought tolerant maize hybrids: Longe 10H, a high yielding hybrid; and Bazooka, tolerant to drought and major diseases.
Tags: uganda